Facebook Supports Aggressive Political Ads
Twitter and other social media companies no longer allow political ads at all. But Facebook refuses to do this. Obviously they derive some income from it; but Facebook is the largest social network and this seems to have gone to their head. Its hard to understand what principles they think they are upholding.
Many prominent people (and scores of regular people) have left Facebook. Stephen King recently announced he has closed his Facebook account, and you can follow him on Twitter.
Facebook refuses to stop showing political ads. If Zuckerberg were in charge of advertising in New York's Times Square, we would have ads like this one:
One solution is that Facebook could create a separate area, and not part of the Timeline of people. But Facebook will never do this, because no one would go to it. No one likes political ads, except for the candidates running them.
Sacha Baron Cohen said it best: if Facebook had been around in the 1930's and 1940's, they would have allowed ads from Nazi's Facebook is not a government, it is more like a restaurant - and thus not bound in any way by the First Amendment; speech can be barred. Read more here about Sacha's comments.
Facebook in general is all about advertising; so now it has become intrusive, and is just not as much fun anymore. Facebook is damaging itself, but they cannot see it. If enogh people leave Facebook thta it finally recognized the damage they are doing, it would be too late to stop the tide of departures.
The US Constitution, and the State constitutions, promote Free Speech right only in regards to government contexts. In the rest of society, it is called 'Private Action' and it is legal to make such choices. You dont have to allow racists in your business or home. Wikipedia explains more
Facebook is showing they do not understand the pervasive and damagingnature of propoganda - especially on young minds. Facebook used to talk of the 'Social Graph" as the metaphor for Facebook; but nothing could be further from the truth.
Note: the first image, of the giant swastika in Times Square, is taken from a TV show called "The Man in the High Castle", which is a series about a fictional world where the Nazi's were victorious in WW II.